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Screenplay Services

Unlock the Potential of Your Book as a Mesmerizing Movie or Captivating Television Series with Our Screenplay Service. This service significantly boosts your prospects of capturing the attention of Hollywood executives and transforming your book into an electrifying on-screen adaptation. By choosing the Screenplay Service, you demonstrate unwavering determination and a steadfast commitment to bringing your book’s essence to life, prepared to be selected for the silver screen.

A screenplay functions as the fully-realized embodiment of your story’s script, enabling producers to assess if your book merits a film or TV adaptation. Our skilled screenwriter will meticulously expand upon your approved Hollywood Treatment, crafting an inclusive and intricately structured script adaptation tailored for cinema, television, or various new media platforms. Presented in the renowned Hollywood-standard style and format, the Screenplay adheres meticulously to industry-established formatting and screenwriting norms.

The Screenplay Service encompasses these comprehensive elements:

Access to an experienced screenwriter dedicated to creating a screenplay grounded in your approved Hollywood Treatment, ensuring a thorough and captivating rendition of your narrative. The screenplay encompasses vibrant character dialogues and painstakingly detailed action sequences, bringing your story to vivid life on the page. The written screenplay adheres precisely to Hollywood’s standardized format, ensuring seamless alignment with industry conventions. Your finished screenplay will be integrated into our exclusive Hollywood Database, providing broad access to a diverse network of directors, producers, agents, and actors actively seeking compelling narratives. The professional screenwriter willingly cedes all rights to your screenplay, allowing you to retain full ownership of your captivating story.

Upon concluding the Screenplay Service, we will assume the responsibility of submitting your intricately formatted screenplay to databases currently open for submissions. Furthermore, our dedicated publicity team will tirelessly distribute targeted press releases, strategically designed to maximize your opportunities for radio and television appearances and invitations. Embark on your exhilarating journey towards on-screen achievement with confidence.